Exciting times over at the bandroom as we undertake a major renovation of our facilities.

Unfortunately, with the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, the band have had to desert the bandroom and pause their busy schedule of rehearsals, performances and competition playing.
Not ones to sit back and be defeated by the covid-19 layoff, the DIY savvy band members have got together to undertake a major refurbishment of their rehearsal facilities.

The refurbishment saw a full rewire of the building, all lighting changed to energy efficient LED, touch free new toilets and wash room facilities, a new kitchen, new hot water boilers, new chairs & music stands, a new ‘history wall’, a full decoration and with the help of Torr Engineering, new air conditioning and a class leading energy efficient Mitsubishi fresh air ventilation system.
The new ventilation system is capable of both extracting and supplying 1000 cubic metres of fresh tempered air every hour. Ideal for a bandroom full of blowers.
The whisper quiet ventilation is safely tucked away out of sight above the bandroom ceiling.

With the only evidence that it’s actually there being the remote control in the bandroom.

Coupled with our new heating & cooling air conditioning system, The Foss Dyke bandroom is rapidly becoming the envy of Brass Bands nationwide!
One comment
You’ve all done a great job on renovating the band room. Pictures look great and I can’t wait to see in person. Thank you for all the time and hard work that has been put into getting this done 🙂